Welcome to the Four Parishes website.
Our Benefice comprises four rural parishes in four picturesque rural villages a few miles to the north-east of the city of Oxford.
Click on the picture to find out more about each individual church.
If you have any feedback at the current time, please use the Contact page to contact us.
Latest News
February 2025
Prayers for Peace
Although at the time of writing this, the situation in the Middle East was hopefully improving following the ceasefire, for which we give thanks, the war continues in Ukraine, and God’s peace is not present throughout the world, so we continue to pray for peace. We will meet for 15 minutes at 12pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays in February across the benefice as follows:
1 February Stanton St John
5 February Beckley
8 February Forest HIll
12 February Horton-cum-Studley
15 February Beckley
19 February Stanton St John
22 February Horton-cum-Studley
26 February Forest Hill
News Archive
2 March 2022
Prayers for Peace
I would like to encourage us all to pause to pray for peace each day during the current circumstances. Throughout March we will be meeting in the churches around the benefice from 12 midday to 12.15, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, as follows:
Beckley - 2, 12 and 30 March
Forest Hill - 5 and 23 March
Horton-cum-Studley - 9 and 19 March
Stanton St John - 16 and 26 March
19 November 2021
Update on Covid Restrictions
We continue to monitor the local situatio and as a result have cancelled some services and moved others online. Please contact us if you want further clarification on a particular service or event.
11 November 2021
'Plan B' Covid Restrictions
New restrictions, including mandatory mask-wearing during chuch services, were introduced from Friday 10 December. Please see updated Risk Assessments for more details
25 October 2021
Church Opening Times
All the churches in the benefice are now open daily:
Beckley: 10am-6pm
Forest Hill, Horton-cum-Studley and Stanton St John: 10am-4pm
1 April 2021
'Breaking Day' - Passion Play by Riding Lights Theatre Company.
Available to watch at home until 14 April. Click here for more details.
14 February 2021
Informal 'Songs of Praise via Zoom, 7.30pm
Sing along to a selection of hymns chosen by people in the Four Parishes. Contact us for a Zoom invitation or listen in your own time at home
25 January 2021
Church Opening Hours
Our churches are closed for services with the exception of funerals due to the country being in Lockdown 3, protecting ourselves and the strain on the NHS.
All are welcome to join our ‘Zoom’ online services. Simply contact us to request an invitation.
We are keeping the situation under review, with the next review following government announcements about Lockdown, or at the end of February, whichever is the sooner. We will remain online until Lockdown 3 ends.
Following updating of the Risk Assessments, all the churches in the Benefice are open for private prayer between 10am (9am in Horton-cum-Studley) and 4pm on Wednesdays and Sundays
23 December 2020
Link to Online Services & Carols
Sing along to a selection of carols, many of which have been recorded specially for us by singers from around the Four Parishes, or watch an online service of Nine Lessons & Carols
15 December 2020
The Four Parishes Calendar 2021 is here!
Buy yours from Stanton St John Village Shop or complete our online order form. The cost is £6 each or £15 for 3 and the proceeds will be split between the Four Parishes.